1923 Ladies Ariel
Single speed, 23" frame, 28" wheels, Crabbe brakes.
This Ariel was purchased at the Beaulieu Autojumble. It was in a poor
state and fitted with the wrong chainwheel, cranks, mudguards and seat.
Some more appropriate looking parts were found and restoration was soon
under way.
Then disaster happened - the platers lost the original Ariel hubs.
They would replace them for me, but I needed to get dimensions. Then
began a search. Ariel cycles are not that common. I found several with
the correct front hub, but none with a single speed rear hub. Eventually
I bought the 1925 gents Ariel and was finally able to make drawings
so the platers could get the hubs made for me.
The restored cycle has been fitted with replacement mudguards and a
more modern oil-bath chaincase. The original case would probably have
been leatherette stretched over an aluminium framework. However, an
oilbath chaincase was an option.
The brake fittings are mostly original Crabbe items, with the exception
of the front stirrup. The brackets for the brake levers are brazed on.
This was common on many Ariel cycles, although some of the cheaper models
used screw-in lugs.
The steering lock is original. It was designed to prevent the front
wheel wobbling and allowing the bike to fall over when parked against
the kerb and also to make it difficult for someone to just get on and
ride it away. Some had a knob like this example, others a bar and some
a seperate key that could be taken away for security.
The picture of the rear stays shows the Biflex tubing, B-shaped in
section, that was a feature of Ariel made cycles for many years. Note
that the coachlines on the front forks are incorrect, they should be
an outline only.
The new Brooks B18 Lady saddle is not the correct one for the cycle,
but I have never found an original type that could be restored and I
liked the look of the new B18. Saddle and basket were bought from the
Bicycle Company.
Transfers are available from The Ariel Owners Motor Cycle Club, please
contact me.
Click on the thumbnails to enlarge.
1923 Ladies Ariel as found |
Restored Ladies Ariel |
Restored Ladies Ariel |
Restored Ladies Ariel |
Restored Ladies Ariel |
Restored Ladies Ariel |
Steering head with Crabbe brakes and steering
lock |
Close-up of steering lock |
Handlebars with braze-on brackets for the
brake levers |
Seat tube and saddle with thin Apex inflator |
New Brooks B18 Lady saddle |
Rear mudguard with Ariel decal |
Rear stays showing biflex tubing, chain adjusters
and dress guard fitting. |