The earliest sign identified is this example that must date to 1896 or 7. Note that it says Ariel - late Dunlop, a clear reference to the fact that the Ariel cycles were originally the Dunlop cycles.
The Components sign advertising their free wheel device must also date to the 1898-1900 period. This is in the National Bicycle Museum at Llandindrod Wells.
The red and white enamelled sign seems to be the most common survivor.
It exists in several forms; flat single sided to be mouted on a wall, double sided to be hung from a pole and thicker
so that one edge can be mounted on a wall with the sign sticking out.
The text reads Cycles and Motors or Motor Bicycles. Some examples are
shown. Date, probably from 1903-12
Another style had a grey background with lettering in red and dark
green and another dark green with a red edging line. Also date from 1903-1912

An old postcard of Arford near Headley in Hampshire with Lickfold's Cycle shop showing an Ariel sign similar to the above.
The most elaborate sign is the Serpent and Wheel motif, dating to the early 1900's. My one unfortunately has lost the bottom few inches where it has rusted away.
There were also Fleet signs. Difficult to date as the Fleet logo remained consistent from 1900 through to 1932.
A later sign. The style of lettering would date this to around 1919-21